Central Location Testing

Central Location Testing

Inspire innovative new ideas and get closer to what your customers want by letting them play a role in the creative process.

Central Location Testing, which are product marketing tests performed in controlled environments, offer impeccable evaluation of taste, product, concept, advertising, and packaging to brands. Our comprehensive respondent network allows us to deliver top notch insights to you. CLTs undertaken by Research Connect take place in handpicked testing facilities and breakout rooms across the globe, which are in alignment with the industry standards.

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How we do CLTs Differently

In-House Recruiting

Insight sessions are only as good as the people in the room – that’s why our recruiting is all done in-house. Our field managers go far beyond demographics to screen for intangibles like creativity and engagement. We hand pick our respondents, and personally call each participant to follow-up before the scheduled focus group discussion. No matter how many respondents you’re looking for, we could support you.

Expert Project Managers

From project set up, venue booking, recruitment, respondent engagement, moderation, task optimization and delivery of insights, our experts have you covered each step of the way.

Authentic Insights

Recruitment success goes beyond tracking down your precise target and convincing them to participate in your focus group discussion. At Research Connect, we ensure participants will be able to interact and express themselves effectively, that they are accustomed or comfortable with technology being deployed, and cooperative and engaged with the topic at hand.

World Class Locations

We host more than 50+ world-class facilities and media labs across key markets in the US, Europe, Middle East, Oceania and Asia. Our partner facilities, as leaders in their markets, preserve their local heritage while their bilingual teams support group synergies.

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