Hybrid Research

Hybrid Research

Close any potential vacuum between Qualitative and Quantitative methods to achieve broader and more accurate data.

Research has long since evolved beyond the tried-and-true method of conducting an exploratory qualitative research phase followed by a quantitative phase. Digital research methods have allowed for the expansion of new and creative means of market research. Increasingly, researchers choose to combine research methodologies to achieve a cost-efficient and time-effective solution that encompasses both human-centred insights and analytic confidence within target markets.

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How we do Hybrid differently

The essence of our brand comes through best in the people who are on the front lines. We’re not just number crunchers; we are travel geeks and soccer fans, giggly animal lovers and country music fans, and, yes– data heads, creatives and strategists who choose the right tools, resources and experiences to meet each fieldwork challenge.

One Point of Contact

You will also have the choice to liaise with just one point of contact who will in turn work with our teams of in-house recruiters who will track down and engage your target respondents for telephone interviews, online focus groups, webcam focus groups, online bulletin boards, ethnographies and of course, for traditional focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Global Perspective

At Research Connect, we provide global reach and diversity for your online qualitative recruitment and project management through our strategic recruitment teams across 50 countries and 6 continents.

In-House Recruiting and Sample

Insight sessions are only as good as the people in the room – that’s why our recruiting is all done in-house. Our field managers go far beyond demographics to screen for intangibles like creativity and engagement. We hand pick our respondents, and personally call each participant to follow-up before their scheduled interview/session.

Expert Project Managers

From project set up, survey management, recruitment, respondent engagement, task optimization and delivery of insights, our experts have you covered each step of the way.

Wide Portfolio of Solutions

Communities and bulletin boards, digital ethnographies and video-diaries, Focus Group Discussions and IDIs– with full support for any fieldwork and data collection requests.

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